
Friday, October 25, 2013

Fun With Photography (Happy Dog)

"Happy Dog"

Kida (Kee'-da), is the first dog I have owned.  I didn't grow up with a dog, so all this dog stuff is new to me. I have enjoyed watching her grow and discovering her doggy personality. She has some great facial expressions. It is not always easy to take her picture and have it turn out well.  So, when I was able to capture these photos it felt like a personal creative triumph.

My Mini Australian Shepherd

Kida does this thing where she will sit and look at you, just staring. being very attentive, like she is waiting for a command. If you give her a command she will do it; she's a fairly obedient dog.  But, if you just talk to her, saying something that isn't a command, she tilts her head to the side and opens her mouth a bit as if she's asking, "What did you say?"  To me, she looks happy and I find it cute.


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