
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Creative Housekeeping

Almost Identical Socks

Women's and Men's Nike Dri-Fit Socks
My socks and my hubby's socks are identical except for the size. (Mine are the smaller ones...just sayin'.) It became a problem when doing laundry (not my favorite chore in the first place) and trying to sort socks.

So, I decided to try to remedy the situation by attaching a bit of embroidery floss to the backs of my socks. I couldn't see that great guy I am married to being keen about the idea of having something extra attached to his socks - not that anyone would see it, but still. He is not a fancy socks kind of guy.

I chose blue because it was still dark enough it wouldn't stand out, yet it wasn't black so I could see it well enough when looking for it to match up the socks.

One with embroidery floss - One without
(So fancy!)

I just threaded the floss through the edge of the sock
with a sewing needle and tied it off with a square knot,
(left over right, right over left)
leaving a bit of a tail so it wouldn't come undone through
washing and wearing.

Tada!! It worked! Sock sorting is a cinch!


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